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Scientific Name: Ocimum tenuiflorum syn. Ocimum sanctum

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Ocimum tenuiflorum syn. Ocimum sanctum
Ocimum tenuiflorum syn. Ocimum sanctum


  • Perennial
  • Tulsi Krishna is an aromatic, sacred plant native to India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
  • It is one of four main forms of Tulsi that are generally recognized and cultivated for religious and medicinal purposes.
  • Tulsi Krishna is the specific variety grown in Hindu temples.
  • It is a small shrub with purplish stems, olive/purple leaves with serrated edges and it bears small purple-pink flowers in summer.
  • The leaves have a spicy pungent aroma that is used as incense and for flavouring.
  • In temperate regions Tulsi can be grown as an annual - it prefers full sun and will do well in pots or window boxes.
  • Pinch out flowering shoots regularly to extend the useful life of the plant.

Culinary Uses

  • Add fresh leaves to salads, fruit dishes, jellies, preserves and sweet breads.
  • Use in Thai cooking in stir fries with hot peppers, chicken, pork and beef.
  • The dried leaves are an ingredient of Ethiopian spice mixtures.
  • Seeds are soaked in water to make a cooling drink.
  • To preserve:
  • Paint both sides of the leaves with olive oil and freeze - they will not stick together or
  • Store whole leaves in olive oil with salt or
  • Dry-pack them with salt.

Parts Used

  • The whole plant

Medicinal Uses. It is said that

  • Tulsi Krishna is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and considered an 'elixir of life' providing alchemy to one's well being.
  • A tea made with the leaves tastes good and provides gentle stimulation to body, mind and spirit - it enhances physical and mental endurance and increases assimilation of oxygen and nutrients to the bloodstream.
  • The strong antioxidant activity slows the aging process and helps prevent and treat cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and dementia.
  • It normalizes both blood pressure and cholesterol levels and will help to overcome coughs colds, flu and fever and assists digestion.
  • Tulsi Krishna is warming, has antiseptic qualities, clears bacterial infections, strengthens the immune system and is considered to be a tonic and adaptogenic.
  • Tulsi Krishna is an excellent wellness drink to help quit drinking coffee.

Other Uses

  • Tulsi Krishna is a good companion plant - it is said to repel flying insects and may help to keep tomatoes pest free.
The information contained within this website is for educational purposes only. This site merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner.

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