Plant Information
Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata
Alternative Names: False Daisy
Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata
Alternative Names: False Daisy
- Annual
- Bhringararia is native to N and S America and naturalized in Eurasia.
- Annual - small daisy-like white flowers.
Parts Used
- The whole plant.
Medicinal Uses. It is said that
- Traditional Chinese medicine.
- Tonic effect on the circulatory, nervous and digestive system.
- Kidney and liver weakness - cirrhosis and hepatitis.
- Hair loss and premature greying of hair, poor teeth and eyesight.
- Checks bleeding – anemia.
- Eczema, athlete’s foot and ringworm.
Other Uses
- Source of a black dye used as a hair dye and in tattooing.
The information contained within this website is for educational purposes only. This site merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner.
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Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided. By use of this site and the information contained herein you agree to hold harmless Mountain Herb Estate, its affiliates and staff